I see excellent performance of the parallels/Windows 10 environmennt.
I feel I can run any software in the world and not worry about what operating system it requires. This software has put me into an environment I never dreamed would be possible. File system and peripherals are shared between the two environments without any difficulty. Most importantly, screen appearance (resolution, color, fonts) looks good on the mac desktop. Cut and paste works flawlessly between Windows app and Mac App. This includes sizing the window and closing it (command-Q). Each app loads and can be interacted with like a native Mac application. What surprised me was that I could take each one of the windows apps and place it on the Mac dock. Some of Windows apps I wanted to install included MS Excel 2016 (much more robust functionality than Mac version), some woodworking software (not available in Mac version), and Adobe acrobat (standalone windows version). Parallels provided an incredible seamless integration of Windows 10 with the Mac Desktop. The Macbook is a mid 2014 retina display model with Intel I7, Intel GPU, 16 gb memory, and a 1 TB SSD. I installed Windows 10 and Parallels 11 on my Macbook running OSX El Capitan.